计算机网络原理 期末复习

Computer Network Final Notes

Some useful (maybe) facts are first shown.

  • Protocal Stack

  • Turing Award

    • Bob Metcalfe: Father of Ethernet
    • Vinton G. Cerf & Robert E. Kahn: TCP/IP
    • Tim Berners-Lee: Web & HTTP

Now comes the crazy things!


Connect end systems to edge router

  • Residential access networks
  • Institutional access networks (school, company)
  • Mobile access networks (WiFi, 4G/5G)
    • Wireless local area networks
      • 802.11 (WiFi)
    • Wide-area cellular access networks
      • 4G cellular networks
  • Twisted pair (TP)
  • Coaxial cable
  • Fiber optic cable
    • high-speed operation
    • low error rate
  • Wireless radio
    • no physical “wire”
    • broadcast, “half-duplex”
    • propagation environment effects

Packet switching

  • On-demand allocation
    • Store-and-forward
    • Great for “bursty” data
    • Resource sharing

Circuit switching

  • Reserved resources
    • Dedicated, no resource sharing
    • FDMA and TDMA

Network of networks

  • Global Transit ISP

  • Content Provider Network (bypassing tier-1, regional ISPs)

  • Internet Exchange Point

  • Regional ISP

  • Access ISP


  • Delay:

  • Throughput: bottleneck link on end-end path that constrains throughput


  • Packet Sniffing:
    • broadcast media (shared Ethernet, wireless)
    • promiscuous network interface reads/records all packets
  • IP spoofing:
    • injection of packet with false source address
  • Denial of Service:
    • overwhelme resource with bogus traffic
    • make resources (server, bandwidth) unavailable

Application layer

Network app

  • Run on end systems
  • Not run on network-core devices
  • (Network layer protocols in every Internet device: hosts, routers)

Client-server paradigm

  • Server:
    • permanent IP address
    • often in data centers, for scaling
  • Client:
    • intermittently connected
    • dynamic IP addresses
    • do not communicate directly with each other
  • Examples: HTTP, IMAP, FTP

Peer-peer architecture

  • Peer:
    • intermittently connected
    • dynamic IP addresses
    • arbitrary end systems directly communicate
    • self scalability – new peers bring new service capacity and service demands
  • Example: P2P file sharing


  • Application-layer protocal, Provides encrypted TCP connections

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

  • Web’s Application-layer protocol, use TCP

  • Stateless: server maintains no information about past client requests

  • Developments:

    • HTTP 1.1:
      • persistent HTTP
      • multiple, pipelined GETs over single TCP connection
      • FCFS scheduling, HOL blocking
      • loss recovery stalls object transmission
    • HTTP/2:
      • transmission order based on client-specified priority, interleaved
      • divide objects into frames, mitigate HOL blocking
      • loss recovery stalls object transmission
    • HTTP/3:
      • adds security, per object error- & congestion-control (more pipelining) over UDP
  • Components:

    • header line of HTTP response message
    • header line in next HTTP request message
    • file kept on user’s host, managed by user’s browser
    • back-end database at web site

  • Used for:

    • authorization
    • recommendations
    • user session state
  • GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation)

Web caches

  • Acts as both client and server

  • Browser caching: Conditional GET

  • Pros:

    • reduce end-end response time
    • reduce traffic on institution’s access link
    • enables content providers to effectively deliver content

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

  • E-mail’s Application-layer protocol, use TCP
  • Use persistent connections
  • Comparison:
    • HTTP
      • client pull
      • each object encapsulated in its own response message
    • SMTP
      • client push
      • multiple objects sent in multipart message
  • Mail access protocol: retrieval from server
    • IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol)
    • POP
    • HTTP

DNS (Domain Name System)

  • Application-layer protocol, distributed and hierarchical database
  • Services:

    • hostname to IP address translation
    • host aliasing
      • canonical, alias names
    • mail server aliasing
    • load distribution
      • replicated IP addresses correspond to one name
  • Decentralized:

    • single point of failure
    • traffic volume
    • distant centralized database
    • maintenance
  • DNSSEC – provides security
  • ICANN - manages root DNS domain
  • Local DNS server:
    • local cache of recent translation pairs
    • doesn’t strictly belong to hierarchy
    • forwarding request into DNS hierarchy
    • TLD servers typically cached, allowing root server bypass
  • Iterated query & Recursive query
  • DNS records:
    • type = A
      • hostname - IP address
    • type = CNAME
      • alias name - canonical name
    • type = NS
      • domain - hostname of authoritative name server
    • type = MX
      • name - name of SMTP mail server
  • Example:
    • register name at DNS registrar
      • provide names, IP addresses of authoritative name server
      • inserts NS, A RRs into .com TLD server
        • (networkutopia.com, dns1.networkutopia.com, NS)
        • (dns1.networkutopia.com,, A)
    • create authoritative server locally with IP address
      • type A record for www.networkuptopia.com
      • type MX record for networkutopia.com


  • File distribution time:

    • client-server: $\max\{NF/u_s,F/d_{min}\}$

    • P2P: $\max\{F/u_s,F/d_{min},NF/(u_s+\sum u_i)\}$

  • File distribution: BitTorrent

    • tracker
    • torrent
    • churn
    • Sending chunks: tit-for-tat
      • sends chunks to four peers sending her chunks at highest rate
      • other peers choked
      • every 30 secs select another peer, starts sending chunks
      • optimistically unchoke this peer

Video Streaming and CDNs

  • Challenges:
    • server-to-client bandwidth varies
    • changing network congestion levels
    • packet loss, delay due to congestion
  • DASH (Dynamic, Adaptive Streaming over HTTP)
    • Application-layer protocol, use HTTP and TCP
    • Server:
      • divides video file into chunks, encoded at different rates
      • files replicated in various CDN nodes
      • provides URLs for different chunks (manifest file)
    • Client:
      • periodically estimates server-to-client bandwidth
      • consulting manifest, requests one chunk at a time
      • choose rates at different time and from different servers
      • “Intelligence” at client
  • single, large “mega-server”:
    • single point of failure
    • point of network congestion
    • long path to distant clients
  • CDN:
    • multiple copies of videos at geographically distributed sites
      • enter deep: push servers deep into many access networks
      • bring home: smaller number of larger clusters in POPs near access nets

Transport Layer

Services not available

  • Delay guarantees
  • Bandwidth guarantees


  • Connectionless:
    • UDP: using destination port number (only)
  • Connection-oriented:
    • TCP: using 4-tuple, IP addresses and port numbers
    • support simultaneous TCP sockets

UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

  • Pros:
    • No connection establishment (which adds RTT delay)
    • No connection state at sender, receiver
    • Small header size
    • No congestion control, blast away as fast as desired
    • Helps with reliability (checksum)
  • Used by:
    • streaming multimedia apps
    • DNS
    • DHCP
    • SNMP
    • HTTP/3

RDT (Reliable Data Transfer Protocol)

  • Stop and Wait:

  • Go-Back-N:

  • Selective repeat:

TCP (Transfer Control Protocol)

  • Retransmission:

  • Flow control:

    • network layer delivers data faster than application layer removes data from socket buffers
    • receiver “advertises” free buffer space in rwnd in TCP header
    • sender limits amount of unACKed data to received rwnd
  • Connection management:

    • 2-way handshake:

      • half open connection (no client)
      • dup data accepted
    • 3-way handshake:

Congestion control

  • Costs of congestion:

    • needed retransmissions: more work for given receiver throughput
    • unneeded retransmissions: link carries multiple copies of a packet
    • packet dropped: upstream capacity and buffering wasted

  • End-end congestion control:

    • no explicit feedback from network
    • congestion inferred from observed loss, delay
    • taken by: TCP
  • Network-assisted congestion control:

    • routers provide direct feedback to hosts
    • taken by: TCP ECN, ATM, DECbit

AIMD (Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease)

  • Multiplicative decrease:

    • Cut in half on loss detected by triple duplicate ACK (TCP Reno)
    • Cut to 1 MSS when loss detected by timeout (TCP Tahoe)
  • (1) TCP slow start:

  • (2) TCP congestion avoidance:

  • AIMD Summary:

Other congestion control methods


    • Increase W as function of cube distance between time and K

  • Delay-based TCP congestion control

    • Minimum observed RTT (uncongested path)
    • Measured throughput close to uncongested throughput:
      • increase cwnd linearly
    • Measured throughput far below uncongested throughout:
      • decrease cwnd linearly
    • Without inducing/forcing loss
  • ECN (Explicit congestion notification)

    • congestion indication carried to destination
    • destination sets ECE bit on ACK segment to notify sender
    • involves IP (header ECN bit) and TCP (header C, E bit)

QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections)

  • Application-layer protocol, use UDP
    • increase performance of HTTP
    • deployed on many Google servers, apps
    • parallelism streams, no HOL blocking

Network Layer: Data Plane

Input port functions

  • Decentralized switching:
    • Using header field values, lookup output port using forwarding table in memory (“match plus action”)
    • destination-based forwarding: based on destination IP address
    • generalized forwarding: based on any set of header field values

Switching fabrics:

  • Switching via memory:
    • speed limited by memory bandwidth (2 bus crossings per gram)
  • Switching via bus:
    • switching speed limited by bus bandwidth
  • Switching via interconnection network:
    • n$\times$n switch from multiple stages of smaller switches

Output port functions

  • Queueing and loss due to output port buffer overflow
  • Buffer management: drop and marking
  • Packet scheduling: which packet to send next on link
    • FCFS
    • Priority: FCFS within priority class
    • Round Robin (RR): cyclically, repeatedly scans class queues
    • Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ): minimum bandwidth guarantee

IP addressing

  • Subnets: device interfaces reaching each other without passing a router
  • CIDR (Classless InterDomain Routing)
  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
    • Application-layer protocal, use UDP
    • Pros:
      • can renew its lease on address in use
      • allows reuse of addresses (hold address while connected/on)
      • support for mobile users who join/leave network
  • Hierarchical addressing:
    • route aggregation
    • allows efficient advertisement of routing information
  • ICANN: allocates IP addresses

NAT (Network Address Translation)

  • Devices in local network share one IPv4 address as outside is concerned
  • Pros:
    • just one IP address needed from provider ISP for all devices
    • change address of host in local network without notifying outside
    • change ISP without changing addresses of devices in local network
    • security: devices inside local net not directly addressable by outside
  • Remember in NAT translation table
  • Violates end-to-end argument (port manipulation by network-layer)


  • IPv6 datagram as payload in IPv4 datagram among IPv4 routers

Generalized forwarding

  • “match plus action” abstraction: match bits in packet header in any layers, take action
    • matching over many fields (link-, network-, transport-layer)
    • drop, forward, modify, or send matched packet to controller
    • “program” network-wide behaviors

Architectural Principles of the Internet

  • Three cornerstone beliefs:
    • simple connectivity
    • IP protocol: that narrow waist
    • intelligence, complexity at network edge

Network Layer: Control Plane

Routing protocols

  • Link state:
    • centralized
    • iterative
    • link costs depend on traffic volume, route oscillations possible
  • Distance vector:
    • distributed
    • iterative
    • asynchronous
    • self-stopping
    • good news travels fast, bad news travels slow (count-to-infinity)

Intra-ISP routing

  • Focus on performance

  • Aggregate routers into regions as autonomous systems (AS)

    • Routers in same AS run same intra-AS protocol
    • Routers in different AS run different intra-AS protocols
    • Gateways perform inter-AS as well as intra-AS routing
  • Forwarding table configured by intra- & inter-AS routing algorithms

  • RIP (Routing Information Protocol)

    • Application-layer protocal, use UDP
    • classic DV
    • no longer widely used
  • EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)

    • Network-layer protocal
    • DV based
  • OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)

    • Network-layer protocal, use IP

    • LS routing

    • IS-IS protocol (ISO standard) essentially same as OSPF

    • Hierarchical:

      • two-level hierarchy: local area, backbone.
      • each node has detailed area topology (only direction to others)

Inter-ISP routing

  • Policy dominates over performance

  • BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

    • Application-layer protocal, use TCP

    • path vector protocol

    • policy-based routing: AS1 gateway router 1c chooses path AS3,X

    • Route selection:

      • local preference value attribute: policy decision
      • shortest AS-PATH
      • closest NEXT-HOP router (hot potato routing)

SDN (Software defined networking)

  • Logically centralized control plane:

    • easier network management: avoid misconfigurations, greater flexibility of flows
    • table-based forwarding allows easier centralized “programming
    • open implementation of control plane
  • Components:

    • Data-plane switches
    • SDN controller: distributed for performance, scalability, robustness
    • Network-control apps: unbundled
  • SDN controller:

    • interface layer to network control apps: abstractions API
    • network-wide state management: a distributed database
    • communication: communicate between controller and switches
  • OpenFlow protocol:

    • operates between controller and switch
    • Application-layer protocal, use TCP to exchange messages
    • distinct from OpenFlow API (specify generalized forwarding actions)
  • Example:

  • ODL controller:

    • Service Abstraction Layer: interconnects internal, external applications and services

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)

  • Communicate network-level information
  • Network-layer protocal, carried in IP datagrams.

Network management

  • Components:

    • Managing server
    • Managed device
    • Network management protocol
  • SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol):

    • Application-layer protocol, use UDP
    • SMI (Structure of Management Information): data definition language


  • implemented in network interface card (NIC) or on a chip
  • combination of hardware, software, firmware
    • framing
    • link access
    • reliable delivery
      • seldom used on low bit-error links
    • flow control
    • error detection & correction
      • CRC: used in Ethernet, 802.11 WiFi

Multiple Access Protocols

  • Channel Partitioning

    • TDMA, FDMA
  • Random Access: detect and recover from collisions

    • ALOHA, slotted ALOHA


  • Taking Turns

    • Polling, Token Passing

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

  • Network-layer - Link-layer protocal
  • MAC flat address:
    • portability
    • move interface from one LAN to another
  • Routing within a subnet or to another subnet


  • Physical topology:

    • bus
    • switched
  • Ethernet frame

    • receive frame with matching destination address or with broadcast address (ARP packet), pass data in frame to network layer protocol
    • otherwise discard frame
  • Unreliable, connectionless, unslotted CSMA/CD with binary backoff


  • Store and selectively forward
  • Transparent, no collisions
  • Plug-and-play, self-learning


  • Reasons:
    • scaling: all layer-2 broadcast traffic must cross entire LAN
    • efficiency, security, privacy, efficiency issues
  • Port-based VLAN:
    • multiple virtual LANS over single physical LAN infrastructure
    • traffic isolation
    • dynamic membership
    • forwarding between VLANS via routing
    • trunk port:
      • carry frames between VLANS over multiple physical switches
      • frames must carry VLAN ID info
      • 802.1Q protocol adds/removed additional header fields

MPLS (Multiprotocol label switching)

  • Between Ethernet and IP
  • high-speed IP forwarding among network of label-switched router
  • MPLS forwarding table distinct from IP forwarding tables
  • Flexibility
    • traffic engineering: use destination and source addresses to route flows to same destination differently
    • fast reroute: pre-computed backup paths in case of link failure

Datacenter networks

  • Network elements:
    • Border routers
    • Tier-1 switches
    • Tier-2 switches
    • Top of Rack (TOR) switch
    • Server racks
  • Load balancer
    • application-layer routing
    • hiding data center internals from client

Wireless and Mobile Networks

Wireless network taxonomy

  • Differences from wired link:
    • decreased signal strength
    • interference from other sources
    • multipath propagation
  • SNR (signal-to-noise ratio)
    • given physical layer: increase power $\rightarrow$ increase SNR $\rightarrow$ decrease BER
    • given SNR: choose physical layer to meet BER requirement, giving highest throughput
  • Hidden terminal problem & Signal attenuation

IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN

  • BSS (Basic Service Set)

    • wireless hosts
    • access point: base station
  • Active scanning:

    • Probe Request frame broadcast from H1
    • Probe Response frames sent from APs
    • Association Request frame sent to selected AP
    • Association Response frame sent from selected AP to H1
  • Passive scanning:

    • Beacon frames sent from APs
    • Association Request frame sent to selected AP
    • Association Response frame sent from selected AP to H1

    • difficult to sense collisions: weak received signal due to fading
    • can’t sense all collisions in any case: hidden terminal, fading
  • 802.11 frame

  • Advanced capabilities:

    • Rate adaptation
      • dynamically change transmission rate as mobile moves
      • BER becomes too high, switch to lower transmission rate but with lower BER
    • Power management
      • beacon frame contains list of mobiles with AP-to-mobile frames waiting to be sent
  • Bluetooth (Personal area networks)

    • replacement for cables
    • ad hoc: no infrastructure
    • master polls clients, grants requests for client transmissions
    • parked mode: clients can park and later wakeup
    • bootstrapping: nodes self-assemble into piconet (plug and play)

4G LTE Network

  • LTE data plane protocol stack
    • Packet Data Convergence: header compression, encryption
    • Radio Link Control Protocol: fragmentation/reassembly
    • Medium Access: requesting, use of radio transmission slots

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